Ingress Nginx on K3S
Ingress Nginx is a powerful tool for managing external access to services in a Kubernetes cluster. This guide will walk you through the process of installing and configuring Ingress Nginx on a K3S cluster.
What is Ingress Nginx?
Ingress Nginx is a Kubernetes Ingress controller that uses ConfigMap to store the nginx configuration. It’s one of the implementations of the Kubernetes Ingress system, which is a way to manage external access to services in a cluster.
Installing Ingress Nginx on K3S
You can install Ingress Nginx on K3S using Helm, a package manager for Kubernetes. Here’s how:
helm upgrade --install ingress-nginx ingress-nginx \
--repo \
--namespace ingress-nginx --create-namespace
If you don’t want to use helm you can use nginx installation for bare-metal:
kubectl apply -f
K3S on AWS Machines
In case you are running K3S on a EC2 machine in order to expose the ingress you will need to update externalIPs
on your service configuration, execute:
kubectl edit svc ingress-nginx -n ingress-nginx
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